(Dogo, Habbé, Kado, Kibisi, Tombo), Mali & Burkina Faso
Bulu rite figurine. The 250,000 Dogon live 180 miles south of Timbuktu on the
cliffs of Bandiagara, which dominate the plains for over 150 miles. Because of the
difficult approach to these regions and the aridity of the climate, the Dogon have been
isolated and hence were able to conserve their ancient religion. On their small fields they cultivate millet, sorghum, wheat,
and onion exported throughout the Sudan region. Like so many agricultural
people of Africa, the land and its bounty plays an important part in the religious views
of the Dogon. The lebe cult is primarily concerned with agricultural renewal, and
altars devoted to it have bits of earth incorporated into them to encourage the continued
fertility of the land. The most important agricultural rite is the bulu, which
immediately precedes the first rains and planting. This figurine is related to the bulu
Material: African bronze
H. 11, W. 2, D. 2