Dogon (Dogo, Habbé, Kado, Kibisi, Tombo), Mali & Burkina
Kanaga mask dancer. The area identified
as Dogon country spans roughly 19,300 square miles of southeast Mali, with a population of
approximately 400,000. The history of Dogon masquerade has been one of constant
adaptation. Mask performances were described in connection with post-burial rites for
important elders, rites for the protection of fruit crops, and at corrective rites,
referred to as puro, curbing the behavior of
women. The kanaga, one of the most widespread mask types, represents a bird known
as kommolo tebu. Its origin is traced back to a mythical hunter who, having killed
one of these birds, fabricated the first kanaga mask in its likeness. Kanaga masqueraders, who generally appear in
large groups, present very exciting dances, which in the meantime have become a popular
attraction. This bronze figurine presents such a dancer.
Material: African bronze
H. 8, W. 2, D. 1˝