Igbo (Ibo), Nigeria
spirit (aghogho) mask. Eight
million Igbo occupy the plateaus of eastern Nigeria. Living in thick forests or on semi
fertile marshland, they grow yams, fish, and have a long tradition of commerce. They have
no large towns. The outstanding characteristic of the many Igbo masks is that they are
painted chalk white, the color of the dead or spirit (here the white color darkened). The
present mask is a rather naturalistic type. The aghogho masks of this type were
used by the mmwo society. Masked dancers costumed in bright colored patchwork pants
and blouses, with their hands and feet covered, appeared at funerals. The masked dancers
did not merely represent, but were believed to be, the spirits of the dead. They disguised
their voices, aiming, as in so many African burial ceremonies, to induce the dead
mans spirit to enter the spirit world so as to avoid any harm to the survivors. The
same masks were also used at the beginning of the dry season. Representing the delicate
beauty of the woman, the dancers appeared wearing false breasts, associating human
fertility with the fertility of the land.
Material: wood
Size: 20½x 7½x