Kongo (Bakongo,
Bashikongo, Kakongo), Angola, Democratic
Republic of the Congo and Congo Republic
Statue. The Kongo may number about three million people. Present in three
countries the Kongo occupy the region at the mouth of the Congo River. Numerous subgroups
go to form the vast Kongo cultural complex, among which are the Vili, the Woyo and the
Yombe. Wood statues of this type represent hunters or healers. A knee resting on the
ground is the position offering respect to the king. The Kongo used red wood powder to
decorate their bodies and to dye raffia cloth, especially to use in mourning costumes. The
powder for bodies could be taken from holes made in the stomach of such figures. A Janus
aspect of the fetish emphasizes its capacity for seeing beyond the universe.
Material: wood
Size: H. 23½, W. 8, D. 7½