Ligbi or Jimini,Côte
Do ceremonial mask. The Islamized communities of the
Ligbi and of the Jimini who live as traders and artisans among non-Moslem groups in
extensive areas of northern Côte d'Ivoire are known for an institution called Do
or Lo, one of whose most striking public manifestations is colorful masquerade
dancing. Their masks are danced during the funerals of distinguished Moslem holy men, and
their performances also mark critical moments during the Muslim calendar year, and at the
end of Ramadan, the month-long Islamic fast. The masqueraders are greatly admired for the
grace of their dance movements, which they perform in pairs and in perfect unison. The performance of
the maskers is accompanied by drums, singing and dancing. Prayers and sacrifices alternate
for a full week before the assembled village.
Material: wood
11½x 5½x5