(Mambilla), Cameroon & Nigeria
Ancestor spirit figure (tadep).
Some 25,000 Mambila, farmers and stockbreeders, occupy the region bordering Cameroon and Nigeria,
to the north of Grassland. They are organized into villages without a centralized
hierarchical structure. The Mambila believe that ancestor spirits must intercede to secure
the well-being of the living, who do not address to Supreme Being directly. They practice
the ancestor cult that gives rise to sculptures in wood and terracotta. The Mambila are
famous for the originality of their sculpture. Their tadep figures are
characterized by a heart-shaped face, enlarged head, outlined with wooden pegs. They are
thought to embody ancestors who are responsible for the clans wealth. The tadep
figures were used in healing rites and to deter thieves. Some sources also link them to
the promotion of fertility. The wide range of uses to which such a figure may have been
employed was probably determined by the medicines in the possession of the
owner, and how it was activated, rather than by specific stylistic characteristics of the
sculpture itself.
Material: wood
Size: 20x 7½x 6½