Cereminial lo mask. The 20,000 Yohure
inhabit the central region of the Côte dIvoire. For the Yohure, the masks are
representations of the yu spirits, intermediates between Bali, the supreme
creator, and humankind. The majority of Yohure masks play a fundamental role in restoring
order to a society deeply distressed by bereavement. Indeed, a death throws the village
out of balance, and only the intervention of the yu by way of their lo
masks can counter. In order for the yu to be able to liberate their
purifying powers, it is necessary for man to court their favor. The yu masks may be
benevolent or, conversely, extremely dangerous; thus, it is necessary to appease them via
sacrifices offered to their masks. The lo masks appear during funeral ceremonies.
Women may not participate in funeral ceremonies, neither may they look at the masks, for
fear that this encounter with death might jeopardize their fecundity. This means that
before starting the villages purification rituals related to a death, for prudence
sake the women are gotten out of the way. In addition to this purifying function, the
masks are also used to guide the deceaseds soul to the world of the dead, and to
assure him the status of an ancestor protective of his descendants. This is of the utmost
importance, for there is nothing as dangerous or disquieting as an errant soul loose in
the village. The outline of the mask is
characteristically surrounded by a serrated edge. The function of each type of mask is not
rigidly fixed.
Material: wood
Size: H. 16½, W. 9½, D. 7