Yohure (Snan, Yaoure, Yaure),
Côte dIvoire
Cereminial mask. For
the Yohure, the masks are representations of the yu spirits, intermediates between Bali,
the supreme creator, and humankind. The majority of Yohure masks play a fundamental role
in restoring order to a society deeply distressed by bereavement. Indeed, a death throws
the village out of balance, and only the intervention of the yu spirit by
way of the masks can counter. The present mask is a member of the je mask series of the mens initiation
association. The mask combines animal and human features in an emblematic evocation of one
of the spirit powers of the bush which the Yohure call yu. As intermediaries between man and god (Bali), yu
are sacrificed to during times of peril and when there is a threat to the social order.
The je masks, as evocations of yu, are considered to be extremely powerful objects
and very dangerous to touch outside their ritual context. Mythological sanction absolutely
prohibits women from seeing the masks and from attending the funeral rites at which they
Material: wood
H. 15½, W. 6½, D. 3